Te Reo Term 4

WALT speak Te Reo and use Maori phrases.

Student Voice " I like learning a Maori sentence at Assembly each week then practising it in our classroom". 

Discovery Term 4

WALT use the key competencies.

Student Voice " I like being creative and making things at Discovery".

Term3 Physical Education - Gymnastics

WALT do different types of rolls in Gymnastics.

Student Voice "Look at me rolling at Gymnastics! I am so clever at doing Gym!".

Term 3 CARE

Term 3 Maths ( Strand)

WALT order and compare objects or events by length  by direct comparison using a gingerbread man shape.

Student Voice " I can measure my shoe using a ruler and say how long it is".

Term 3 Writing

WALT write a recount by thinking about and answering ‘Who? What? When? Why?’

Yesterday I went to the ear piercing shop. I got some earrings. They shot the earring in the hole. It felt weird. Then I went to Cole's home for tea. We had a yummy tea. I loved the topping on the pizza. I only eat the bottom of the pizza normally. Cole and Dad and I went to Westlake Park which was fun. We got to go to bed really late. I fell asleep in the car and my mum had to put me to bed. The next day I went to school in the rain. I was cold. At school we have been learning about how to count in tens. It is fun.  We didn't have fun the next school day because Coby was being naughty and she was being mean to me. Lelah and I like playing together. We play animals. It is fun playing that. We like playing together. We do writing all the time. We have fruit break every day. I have nice friends.

Student Voice – “ I have answered the four w questions in my writing”