Term 2 Integrated Arts.

WALT to dance, use poi and rakau. 

Student Voice - " I am really good at dancing because I love it.  I can use the rakau sticks correctly". 

Term 2 Discovery

WALT use our key competencies.

Student Voice - We did a science experiment at Discovery. WE had to use our thinking to predict what might happen.

Writing Term 2

WALT write a recount.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will have written about an event that has happened. We will have answered some of these questions - who, what, when,why, when? 
Yesterday I made a game and it was fun. I made a book too. I brought my headband to school and shared it for News. This morning I had fun and my Mum coloured in most of it. She had fun too. 

Student voice- I have told about what? who? when?